Computer Animation Assignment #1: Bouncing Ball
So for this first assignment I though it would be fun to have the ball bounce in a small closed area
at some point during the animation. Initially I had the most trouble with the second half of
the animation, The bouncing in the pipe was very choppy, but after 1-2 reworkings I think I managed
to make a better improvement from the original attempt. I also liked how I was able to get the ball to roll
a bit at the end, I think it came out just like I wanted to. I know it's a minor thing but it's the little things
that count sometimes. My biggest issue with this animation was trying to fix the second bounce. I wanted
to have the first bounce be just an average bounce, then have the second bounce be more fast paced.
Unfortunately I don't think I was able to get the second bounce to come out right. I originally removed the
ball smushing when it hits the floor, but the animation looked a bit weird. Same thing also happened when I tried to remove some frames of animation. It seemed that whenever I removed animation it went way too
fast but whenever I tried to add more it went way too slow. If I get the chance too I might rework the entire first half cause I definitely think it was the weaker half. With that said though I did have fun trying
to figure out and rework this particular animation.